Two CE Classes in One Day! Cost per class: $15.00 Pre-register by Friday before the event and save.
After March 14th 1 Class is $20.00
After March 14th Both Classes is $35.00
Book both classes together and save!
“What’s Agency Got To Do With It?”
Agency Law
OUTCOME: Students should be able to describe Agency Law, fiduciary Duties to clients & customers, know where to find specific laws of Arizona, impact of selected Arizona case laws, and understand how the professional standards are enforced by ADRE. •How Agency is created •Duties to Principle, Duties of Principle, Dual Agency considerations •Termination of Agency •Arizona law & Selected Arizona case law Discussions
"Lets Play Fair"
Fair Housing
One Class Pre Register - $15.00, after the 14th $20.00
Both Classes Pre-Register - $25.00 after 14th $35.00
Classes are not Refundable nor Transferable.
9am -12 pm “What’s Agency Got To Do With It?”
3 hours CE: Agency
12:30-3:30pm “Lets Play Fair”
3 hours CE: Fair Housing